My mission on Twitter is to entertain, inform, share and enthuse about
stuff that is important to me.
You can probably guess what those things will be: Wales, cars, motorsport,
science & engineering, space technology, and music that I love,
or make myself.
Some of my tweets will be gags - I apologise about the quality of
them in advance
I won’t swear on Twitter, because you don’t really need to. (Besides
my children might be sitting behind me reading my Twitter stream).
I will use Twitter to promote my work projects, significantly my car
podcast Gareth Jones On Speed.
I will try my best to reply to your tweet if it needs a reply, and
I have the time to…and I can think of something to say. If I don’t
reply, sorry, I either couldn't think of anything to say or was off
doing something a little more important than Twitter, like working,
relaxing – or bringing up my children.
If you *ask* me to follow you - I won’t. I follow the Twitter protocol
that says if someone asks you to follow them they don’t deserve following.
Same rule applies for you asking me to make you my #ff Follow Friday
I will only do *one* Follow Friday per Friday
I won’t follow you: “because it is my birthday”, “because I am a big
fan” or any other reason. I only follow people I choose to, that is
what Twitter is for.
I *will* follow you if send me nice, witty, intelligent, interesting
or informed tweets.
If you ask me to re-tweet your tweet, I won’t. I will only re-tweet
tweets that are funny, informative useful or important or because I
want to.
won't retweet your charity or publicity request if you are
not following me either.
If I decide to un-follow you, it is simply to introduce new blood
to my timeline, don't be offended.
If wish to un-follow me at any time for any reason you choose, then
that is cool, it is your stream you manage it as you wish.
If you are rude to me however, I will un-follow you.
#IWIllNotUseHashTagsThatAreNotReallyHashTagsAsPunchlines …. because
really that's just cheating.