#041 Lightweight cars vs heavy cars. We drive the BMW 3 and
5 series Touring, and ask do you really need a 4x4? Sniff Petrol
goes all modern and drives the Mitsubishi i-car and. Elvin Costello
and the Distractions come over all eco-friendly to perform “Get
A Life”.

Elvin Costello & The Distractions
– Get a Life
Oh a four-by-four is a very good idea
If you live in the country or have snow for half-the-year
But if going off-road means parking underground
Then you should drive a cuter car as your run-around
If you like to choose a car for its distinctive
There are other ways to achieve this without massive ground
You don’t need no four-by-four
And neither does your wife
Get yourself a lighter car
And get yourself a life
Get a life four-wheel-driver get a life
Being economical is not just for the wife
Get a life Mr Driver
Only a damn fool would arrive at a conclusion that is mithered
Using so much fuel is just not right
Oh the cost of fuel is way over the top,
Spending lots on hydrocarbons has to stop
But it’s far, far worse when your Land Rover is cursed
By the scientific prediction
That inefficiency due to friction
Will empty all the silver in your purse
It’s an absolute bummer you choose to
drive a Hummer
Climate change don’t mean we’ll get perpetual summer
Don’t say you missed the warning that due to global warming
When the polar ice caps melt and that tsunami drowns your daughter
Only then you’ll need a Shogun which can wade through
deep cold water
Get a life four wheel driver get a life
Being ecological is not just for the wife
Get a life Mr. Driver
Only a damn fool would arrive at a conclusion that is mithered
Using so much fuel is just not right
If you really must arrive in a four wheel drive,
Then why not choose an option that will keep this world alive
Don’t sit in a driving seat, four foot off the floor
Get something green and weenie, like a Panda four-by-four
You don’t need a heavy car to still enjoy
There are rocket cars available which simply aren’t enormous
Get yourself a lightweight car, Elise or Ariel Atom
You’d’ be green when the light turns green, but
still be up and at ‘em.
Get a life four-wheel-driver get a life
Being economical is not just for your wife
Get a life Mr. Driver
Only a damn fool would arrive at a conclusion that is mithered
Using so much fuel is just not right
Oh Oh
Get a life four-wheel-driver get a life
Being ecological is not just for the wife
Then you can hold your head up high and frankly
stand erect
Even though you’re a petrol-head you’re politically
I’ve got a life I’ve got a life
I’ve got a life
I’ve got, I’ve got, I’ve got a life
<I’m a secret biofuel drinker>