#074 Show and tell, Zog’s Sky Car, Richard’s Big
Book of Top Gear and Gareth drives two-and-a-half Renaults.
Richard forces Gareth into making some tough decisions and
discovers transparent aluminium. Plus news of how you can
play your part in The Gareth Jones On Speed 2008 Awards.
Here are a selection of some
of the many images viewable in #74a the image enhaced edition
of #74

Is it a car?- Zog wants to drive

Or is it a plane? - Zog wants to
fly it

Top book! - Richard wrote it

Nice big coupe - Gareth drives it

Nice little Coupe - Gareth drove
this too

Yet another Renault - Gareth did
more than stand next to it
all images used by kind permission
of the owner or copyright www.garethjones.tv
no reproduction without express
permission of this web site