#156 We conceptualise on the best and worst concept cars
ever. How The Duke of Edinburgh almost saved BMC. Sniff Petrol’s
disturbing visions of the future. Plus, why all three boys
left the Cub Scouts and why a Ford designer told one of the
team to F off.

1979 Bertone Tundra but for

1969 Runabout Concept

2003 Visos became what?
If you would like to see the
concept cars that we chose as our favourites, click
here - we didn't post the images on this page otherwise it would
spoil the surprise
The other cars we mentioned
in this episode were:
Volvo C30, Austin Allegro, Citroen CX,
Citroen GS,
Rover SD1, Ford Hot Dog,
Ford Zig & Zag,
Simca 1000, Lagonda Vignale, Ford Iosis Max, Ford SAV, Ford
Ford S-Max, Ford Puma Concept, Ford
Puma, Ford Racing Puma.