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Halo In The Snow

The Halo Makes An Appearance In The Snows Of Barcelona

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published: 01 March 2018

duration: 43' 25"

Presented by: Gareth Jones, Richard Porter and Zog.

#332 The Beast From The East and 2018 F1 Cars. We discuss the weather, and the appearance of the new season’s cars they emerge in Barcelona. Sniff Petrol on F1 agreements and Max Mosely. Plus Elfyn ap Gwyndaf new Welsh On Speed music for St David’s Day.

Here are the images we were looking at while recording this episode - you might like to view them while listening to the show.

Elfyn ap Gwyndaf

Gareth Jones Ar Frys - Elfyn ap Gwyndaf




Pedwar, tri, dau, barod?

Four, three, two, ready?

‘Nol yn y canol oesoedd 

Back in the middle ages

Yn Brenig, Dyfnant, Dyfi

In Brenig, Dyfnant, Dyfi

Gath chwedl am yrrwr Cymraeg  

A fable about a Welsh driver

Ei eni ac ei sgwennu

Was born and written

Mae’n anodd i ddweud y gwirionedd

It’s hard to tell the truth

Am y gyrrwr o Ddolgellau

About the pilot from Dolgellau

Ac fel unrhyw chwedl arall

And like any other fable

Mae’n cychwyn cyn iddo dechrau.

It starts before it begins.



O Elfyn ap Gwyndaf

Oh Elfyn Son of Gwyndaf

Nid ein Evans olaf

Not our final Evans

Elfyn ap Gwyndaf

Elfyn son of Gwyndaf

Ti d’ir cyflymaf .

You are the quickest



Mae hanes o’r gorffenol

The history from the past

Am Gwyndaf tad Elfyn

Of Gwyndaf Elfyn’s father

Yn ennill Prydain i’r Cymreig

Winning Britain for the Welsh

Wrth i’w yrfa tynnu i derfyn.

As his career came to a close

Roedd e’n  paratoi ei fab

He was preparing his son

I sgwennu pennod newydd

To write a new chapter

I cario’r enw enwog ymlaen

To carry the famous name forwards

Elfyn ap Gwyndaf

Elfyn son of Gwyndaf

Neu efallai Elfyn Evans?

Or perhaps Elfyn Evans?



O Elfyn ap Gwyndaf

Oh Elfyn Son of Gwyndaf

Ti d’ir cyflymaf

You are the quickest

Elfyn ap Gwyndaf

Elfyn son of Gwyndaf

Nid ein Evans olaf
Nid ein Evans olaf
Nid ein Evans olaf.

Not our final Evans.
Not our final Evans.
Not our final Evans.

Written, performed & produced by Gareth Jones

Inspired by Calan

Chymorth ag anogaeth gan Gareth Morlais Williams

© Gareth Jones 2005-2018