published: 12 Nov 2020
duration: 00:48:38
Presented by: Gareth Jones, Alex Goy, Sarah Leach & Zog
#402 F1 & SUVs. Is Lewis Hamilton of the verge of being the G.O.A.T, or is he that already? Alex drives some massive premium SUVs. Mustang and Hummer reinvented as EVs, a good idea? Plus new music as Raceless perform “Don't Mess With The FIA”.

Gareth Jones On Speed - Don’t Mess with the FIA
Up and down the pit-lane, in and out all day
We’re watching what you’re doing, ensuring there’s fair play
We have no fear, not afraid of affray
Don’t mess with us, we‘re the FIA.
When you fiddle with your barge boards, you might get caught
We will have you on the weighbridge and we’ll see you in court.
That clever bit of software that made your car so quick,
You thought it was concealed, but you couldn’t make it stick.
That’s the thing about new technology; we’re never off the pace.
It was legal on the car for practice, but we banned it for the race.
That’s the thing about new technology; we’re never off the pace.
It was legal on the car for practice, but we banned it for the race.
Up and down the pit-lane, in and out all day
We’re watching what you’re doing, ensuring there’s fair play
We have no fear, not afraid of affray
Don’t mess with us, we‘re the F. I. A
Up and down the pit-lane, in and out all day
We’re watching what you’re doing, ensuring there’s fair play
We have no fear, not afraid of affray
Don’t mess with us, we‘re the FIA
Traction control
You’ve gotta let go.
Ground effect
We say no
Active suspension
That won’t hang
Exotic fuels
No way man.
Continuously variable belt transmission
We won’t allow under any condition.
Party mode
Ha! no fear.
And we also disallow asymmetric brake steer.
We’ll stop your twin chassis
And other stuff that’s flashy
Six wheels & fans
Will all face bans.
That great idea that you thought was coming
We stop you from using it as soon as we see it running.
We’ll tear your car to pieces
And turn it inside out
We are on to you.
You should have no doubt.
There’s another thing you should know about
We're like Muhammad Ali baby
We got the clout.
To unsafe cars we say “no thanks”
No time for your subterfuge
And rule-bending pranks
To safety on the road we shout “yes please”
We are the FIA – we’re the F1 police.
We’re up and down the pit-lane, in and out all day
We’re watching what you’re doing, ensuring there’s fair play
We have no fear, not afraid of affray
Never mess with us, we‘re the F.I.A
Written, performed & produced By Gareth Jones